
Streamline Your Lab Data Workflow With Precision and Speed

Unlock the power of automated lab report parsing. Optimal DX's innovative tool extracts biomarker data directly from PDFs, saving you time and ensuring data accuracy—so you can focus on what matters most: patient care.

Labs Currently Set Up for PDF Parsing

The following labs are set up in Optimal DX's PDF Parser, so you can upload original PDF reports and let Optimal do the importing for you!

Beyond Manual Data Entry - Revolutionize Data Entry with Optimal's Blood Test Import Tools

Optimal DX's revolutionary blood data import tools streamline the process of extracting biomarker data from lab reports. Blood results are directly entered into our powerful analytical software saving you time while ensuring the accuracy of your data imports. Say goodbye to manual entry errors and hello to increased efficiency in your practice.


Seamless Lab Integrations for Effortless Data Import

Elevate your practice with direct lab integrations through Optimal DX. Our platform automatically imports and parses HL7 data from partnered labs straight into your account. This means immediate analysis and generation of Functional Health Reports without the hassle of manual data entry. Save time, enhance data accuracy, and focus on providing exceptional care to your patients.

Transform Your Practice Today

Ready to elevate your practice and patient outcomes? Discover how Optimal DX can make a difference.

About FBCA

Want to Learn More About Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis?

Our Functional Health Reports interpret the results of your patients’ blood chemistry tests from a functional perspective. But what makes Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis… functional? View our About Blood Chemistry page to find out.

FBCA Training

Learn to interpret, analyze, act on and make the most of your patient's blood test results. Sign up for Dr. Dicken Weatherby’s Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Mastery Training to learn the entire blood chemistry analysis process from start to finish.