
Practitioner Search Agreement

ODX Health Professional Directory

This Optimal DX directory serves as a resource for individuals seeking optimal health by connecting them with health professionals trained in Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA). This directory provides contact information for health professionals who maintain an active account with the Optimal DX Lab Analysis software program. We also showcase active software users that have been trained in FBCA and or certified by Optimal DX by completing Dr. Weatherby’s FBCA Mastery Certification Training.

Health Professionals: All information about a health professional’s accreditation, name, location, and phone number is self-reported by the professional and only updated upon request. Optimal DX does not investigate or verify this information and is not responsible for any outdated, missing, or inaccurate information. Optimal DX reserves the right to remove any health professional from this directory for any reason e.g. when a practitioner is no longer maintaining an active Optimal DX Lab Analysis software subscription.

FBCA Training: FBCA Mastery Training provides baseline knowledge in blood chemistry analysis and its functional interpretation and is open to health professionals from various disciplines, levels of education, and experience. Optimal DX urges you to evaluate any information found in this directory and further investigate your chosen health professional’s degree, training, experience, scope of practice, and other credentials and policies.

No Recommendations: This directory is for informational purposes only. Outside of providing FBCA Mastery Training to the listed health professionals, Optimal DX is not affiliated with, nor does it specifically endorse, any health professional. Optimal DX will not provide recommendations or advise you about any health professional’s expertise. You are solely responsible for your choice of a health professional.

Disclaimer: Neither Optimal DX nor any person associated with Optimal DX makes any warranty or representation with respect to the content, completeness, security, reliability, accuracy, or availability of the information contained in this directory. Optimal DX disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, statutory, or otherwise, to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law.

Limitation of Liability: In no event will Optimal DX and its affiliates, members, officers, agents, and directors be liable for any damages of any kind, under any legal theory, arising out of or in connection with your use of this directory, any content in this directory, or your receipt of care from any health professional listed in this directory, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages.

Acknowledgment: By using this directory, you agree that you have read and understand the above terms and acknowledge that you are responsible for your choice to receive care from any health professional whose information is listed in this directory. You waive and hold harmless Optimal DX and its affiliates, employees, officers, agents, and directors from any claims resulting from your use of this directory or your receipt of care from any health professional listed in this directory.