Optimal - The Blog

March 6, 2025

Introducing Updates to the Report Center

Discover 3 exciting updates that make it easier than ever to configure your Functional Health Reports.


At Optimal DX, we strive to continually enhance our tools to help streamline your practice's workflows. Today, we’re thrilled to unveil three updates to the Optimal DX Report Center. Each change is designed to make the report center more user-friendly, actionable, and visually engaging.

Below, you’ll find a quick overview of what’s new. I’ve also recorded a short video walkthrough to guide you through each update in more detail.

1. New Look and Feel to the Report Center

What’s changing?

  • We’ve changed how the individual reports are displayed in the Report Configuration section of the Report Center.
  • The new icons adapt to the chosen theme, more closely representing the color scheme you have selected for your reports.
  • This change is now live in the Optimal DX Report Center.


2. Updates to the Advanced Options

What’s changing?

  • We’ve made it easier for you to configure a report exactly how you want it. 
  • For instance, move the Out of Optimal Range Report to a place in the Analytics that makes the most sense for your practice and patient consultations. 
  • Just click "Advanced Options" to open up a menu of configuration options.

Additional Configurations Include:

  1. Changing the color theme.
  2. Add additional margin to the left-hand side for better binding when printing the Functional Health report from PDF.
  3. Compare the current blood test to any of the previous tests
  4. NEW - Choose if you'd like to display the thumbs up/down in the Blood Test Comparative Report
  5. NEW - Choose if you'd like to display the numeric percentages in the assessment charts
  6. NEW - Choose to include the introductory paragraph for biomarker groups in the Blood Test Results Report

PLEASE NOTE: Any configuration changes you make will be remembered and used for future FHRs until you make a change.


Why it matters:

You conduct your practice according to your preferences and have workflows tailored to your needs. We aim to enable you to customize the final Functional Health Report to align with your workflows and how you conduct your consultations. By providing advanced configuration options, we can assist you in achieving the optimal FHR for your practice.

3. Enhanced Report Configuration

What’s changing?

  • Previously, we allowed you to create "saved groups" of the reports you want included in your final Functional Health Report. If you found that you were always selecting the same reports to include in the FHR, you could save that configuration and come back to choose it for future patients.
  • Now, we've implemented a way for you to configure your saved group, which will be the default configuration moving forward.
  • Why is this helpful? If you run the same configuration repeatedly, why have to select it each time? Now, it will always be selected until you make a different choice or choose another configuration.


See It in Action: Watch Our Short Video Walkthrough

Want a guided tour of all these changes? Check out our quick video below to see exactly how the new Report Center looks and how to navigate it.

What’s Next?

These updates are now live and available for all users. You don’t need to do anything special—log in and explore the refreshed Report Center. Our support team is here if you have any questions or feedback. We’d love to hear your thoughts on these improvements and how we can continue refining the software to meet your needs.

Tag(s): ODX

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