Optimal - The Blog

August 15, 2024

Build a Pure Encapsulations Treatment Plan in Optimal

I want to introduce our brand-new Protocol Template featuring Pure Encapsulations! This new addition to Optimal is designed to streamline your workflow and get you from assessment to treatment plan with ease.

Fullscript® has all of your go-to brands available for crafting the perfect treatment plan for your patients, and for those who gravitate towards Pure Encapsulations, this update is a game-changer. With Optimal's intelligent analysis, Pure Encapsulations products are now seamlessly integrated, auto-populating into treatment plans for nearly every Health Concern identified from Optimal's Blood Analysis. It's like having a personal assistant who knows your preferences, making the process faster and more efficient.

I've put together a quick video demonstration to show just how simple and effective this is. Our mission at Optimal is to save you time and empower you to deliver the best possible outcomes for your patients.

Check out the video below and discover how to make the most of the new Pure Encapsulations template!

Thanks for watching, and "Stay Optimal"!

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Tag(s): ODX

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