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Hydrochloric Acid is Your Friend

Written by ODX Admin | Sep 13, 2023 5:27:24 PM

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the stomach serves critical functions including initiating protein digestion, aiding in nutrient absorption, and killing pathogens; its levels are ideally maintained at a pH of 1-3.

However, issues can arise either from excess acidity, which is usually addressed by increasing the gastric pH to above 4 to prevent reflux and esophageal erosion, or from hypochlorhydria, a condition characterized by low stomach acid that can result in chronic reflux and nutrient deficiencies.

This condition, which may be induced by factors like prolonged use of antacids, H. pylori infections, or aging, can be identified through various tests including the baking soda test and the Heidelberg pH test.

Management of hypochlorhydria often involves nutritional therapy, including the incorporation of dietary guidelines like consuming protein at the start of a meal, eating probiotic foods, and avoiding lying down shortly after eating.

Want to Learn More? 

CLICK HERE to learn more about HCl, health consequences, testing guidelines, etc.